Hi Jay. I want to say I am so sorry. This really makes me sad. We need solutions for people like you.
When you are in need you need help and this makes you vulnerable. If Mr Trump comes through for people like you I will be very grateful to him.
But I don’t have any confidence that he will. He is a rich man known for defrauding people. He is going to lower taxes for his Wall street buddies and raise them for middle class people. As this article from Fox news explains
“All independent analyses show most of the benefit of Trump’s plan flowing to the wealthiest Americans. Nearly half of Trump’s tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent of earners, the Tax Policy Center found. Less than a quarter of the cuts would benefit the bottom 80 percent”
I understand that if you are unemployed and paying no taxes then you don’t care about taxes but regardless, we need to stop giving breaks to the rich. They don’t need it.
The one good thing that came out of this election is that people like you might get heard. I believe you need a voice.
I am a Hillary supporter but I do not think she would have come through for you either but I am afraid that out of the two, Trump will make things worse for people who are in need of help.
I believe the right things can be done but they do not happen because those who have power and money know too well how to keep their unfair advantage and they are not motivated to make positive change.
I hope you can accept a virtual hug from me.
If you need some help like support around finding work you can message me. If nothing else I could lend a ear to you.