I a a sexual assault survivor and so yes his words are worse in my eyes.
I am not a fan of American foreign policy but Hillary is hardly different from anyone before her. How was Bush better?
I grew up in Pakistan and witnessed the birth of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban and one major reason these groups came about was American support for Islamic militants because they were helping us fight the Soviet Union in the 1980's.
Lots of American leaders responsible for lots of deaths. Certainly Hillary was not the only one in our history to start conflicts and to make foreign policy mistakes.
She is held to a higher standard than others including her husband because she is female.
This election cycle is the first time I have witnessed in the United States that we have abandoned the values upon which this country is based.
We are no longer a good place for vulnerable populations of any kind.
Its making me question why I came to the USA at all.
This feels like a creepy kind of deja vu. Trump reminds me of third world leaders. I never thought I would see that here.
We can no longer claim ourselves as the land of the free
In the USA we have never had a female President and even Pakistan had one decades ago. We just voted in Trump aka Mr Poster child for rape culture for President and in Argentina they instituted fines against harassment of women.
We are quickly becoming one of the most unsafe places to be a woman.
Trump is vindictive. He stayed up till 3 am to tweet about a porn tape of Alicia Machado (which was fake) and thats just one of his revenge rants.
I can see him using nuclear weapons during a revenge obsession. He lacks emotional maturity and empathy.