I am genuinely curious why you and so many others bend over backwards to make excuses for Trump’s behavior? Even leaving the accusers out he tweeted at 3 pm that Alicia Machado had a sex tape even though this had been debunked as being a fake. He called her Miss Piggy for being fat. He ridiculed a disabled person.
He isn’t Howard Stern. Its not a joke. He is in a position of great power and its not funny, its abusive.
Its just very distasteful and it goes against the values upheld by the constitution to treats all people as equal.
I know you said we need to hold Trump accountable but I am not sure how that will be possible. Nor am I sure how the alt right will be held accountable since its a bit like the fox guarding the hen house here.
To me here in the USA and in much of the world we have normalized rape culture. Just because we normalized something doesn’t mean that its good for us. We have also normalized eating too much sugar, so much so that even our kids are getting type II diabetes. My kids tell me ‘everyone is doing it’ and they are right but as their mother I still want them to understand that there are consequences.
Several times a week I sit in a room with a group of people and we discuss our issues about sex and love with a therapists guidance. This has opened my eyes very wide to just how sick we are as a society regarding this. We internalize beliefs from the movies, romance novels, pornography etc and we still carry around with us many sick beliefs bequeathed to us by patriarchy.
Healthy sex and love is the exception in our culture. I realize that it upsets me that he won because I do not want to believe that so many Americans are this unhealthy regarding sexism, racism and sexuality but I am the one at fault because my belief of where we are with this stuff was wishful thinking, in reality we are sicker than I had hoped.
This makes me sad.