Salma Sitara
3 min readNov 26, 2016


I do agree we are looking at different issues.

I cannot dismiss Trump’s issues with women like you do.

His accusers regarding non consensual sexual behavior number in the double digits, combine that with what he has said about women and its a stretch to dismiss that as all the women were willing. He paid of his ex wife for rape and threatened a thirteen year old victim with her life if she didn’t drop the case and then she dropped it. He can get away with it because he has the means but that kind of ‘letting him’ is not okay with me.

What he has said about women publicly is damaging. As a leader your words count and send signals to others about what is okay to do. I do not blame rape and assault solely on rapists, we enable them by supporting rape culture and we all bear responsibility for this.

As far as hawkishness is concerned yes I believe US foreign policy has been a disaster. I grew up in Pakistan and witnessed the formation of Al-Qaeda and Taliban first hand. However, I am not sure I know a US politician who I agree with on foreign policy. Share with me if you think of someone.

These Muslim extremists came to be for three primary reasons

  1. Failure of the Muslim world to take responsibility for how their religion disempowers women and minorities and caters to patriarchy by blaming all their problems on the West
  2. US foreign policy that used Muslim extremists to fight a proxy war with the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980’s by giving them money and power
  3. Saudi Arabia’s exporting their extremist version of Islam to Afghanistan/Pakistan where it was used to brainwash vulnerable orphans of war. The Taliban is composed of kids who were trained to be terrorists in Islamic schools/orphanages funded by Saudi Arabia

There is a global rise in Fascism which includes not only the US but also Great Britain, France and India and I believe this is a response to Islamic terrorism.

Trump terrifies me because I know what its like in the Muslim world and his rhetoric about Muslims will just make Muslims dig in and do more of #1 above. We need to hold them and Saudi Arabia accountable. I wrote a blog post about some things we could do that might actually work

and this one about my childhood

I am planning of writing a blog post about what I have shared here with you.

I am seeing us abandoning our values which include protecting those amongst us who are vulnerable and building walls and deporting and barring people because we are afraid. The terrorists are winning, we are now becoming them because we are scapegoating them for our own issues which is eerily reminiscent of what I witnessed growing up about how Muslims scapegoat the West for their own issues.

I hope you can understand why this scares me.



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