I find it annoying that whenever I said that I was hoping to see the first woman President I get “Don’t vote for her just because she is a woman”. from liberal men. WTF!! I am wondering where this woman who they will bless as the right woman who can be President will come from? How many mountains must she climb before she passes the test set by these men? Why haven’t we had a female President in like ever? Could there possible be something wrong other than the women being defective? but no the fault lies in her because sexism really doesn’t exist at all.
So many men who can judge with a 100% certainty that no one is sexist and that sexism played no role at all in the election. They are gods and they get to decide how other people think and behave.
Half the country voted Trump in despite his sexist and demeaning attitude towards women and we are still hearing people argue that sexism didn’t play a role in the election. What makes Goerge Bush and Bill Clinton so worthy? Why didn’t they have to jump through any hoops? Why wasn’t Donald Trump’s possibly raping a 13 year old news but fucking emails that were investigated a 100 times with no results were so very very important?