I have PTSD Aaron and oppressors always invalidate the reality of victims.
Victims are told by oppressors that it was their own fault, nothing bad happened, why don’t you get over it etc etc. Rape victims always blame themselves and the oppressor blames them too.
I am active in a community of people recovering from PTSD and I know many incest victims and these people only remember their trauma after a lot of therapy because their reality is so terrifying and because their families abandoned them by denying it.
Yes PTSD survivors are paranoid and to recover their reality needs to be validated. i.e they need to be assured that their trauma actually happened and also that their neighbor isn’t their angry father etc etc. I have sat through hours and hours of group therapy with other survivors and we have helped validate each other to become healthy.
Read some books on PTSD and trauma and then you will understand.
As far as Muslims are concerned, I have PTSD from growing up Muslim and I am very angry that Muslims do not look inwards and instead blame the West for their own issues.
I am feeling very angry that now we are doing exactly what they are doing. Blaming them instead of fixing our own very serious issues.
The biggest issues we are facing are not illegals and Muslims, they are
- The increasing divide between have’s and have nots
- How we can help those who have been left behind by the forces of globalization and how we can continue to be leaders in a changing world
FYI, I wrote an article six months ago about the Muslim issue. I do believe there is a problem and I outline somethings that we could do about it that would actually make sense