Memories of past car crashes
A blood splattered windscreen
A bleeding forehead
A racing heart
My insides jerking around inside my body
Loud voices
I reminded my kids to put their seat belts on as we got in the car and my thirteen year old son remarked that he had never been in a car accident all his life.
You’re lucky I said
I grew up in a crowded city in the third world
I haven’t just been in accidents, I was in a high speed car chase too
The guy my parents had hired to drive us to school hit a cyclist and then then he took off to avoid the police
My brother and sister and I were standing up inside the car as he drove down narrow streets at an out of control pace. We were yelling at him to stop
Out of control and crazy
Panic, fear and terror
You don’t ever forget emotions like these
I hope my kids never have to be in a car crash
I really hope not