Not telling anyone else how to feel but I shared how I feel.
Telling someone how they ‘should’ feel is abusive. You are not god and you don’t get to decide the circumstances under which other people are allowed to be sad or angry
FYI, I am a minority female, I have a PTSD history, my life has included more than the usual share of hard knocks but I pay out of my own pocket to go to therapy three times a week to heal from having been abused. Its expensive and its time consuming and its painful but I am taking responsibility for myself. I make good money at a job that I enjoy, I take care of my children. I am living a full life. I don’t look around for others to blame (Muslims, Illegals) for problems in my life.
Yes a lot of people don’t take responsibility for themselves and they get to vote but from my vantage point people who look outside of themselves for solutions are going to end up being unhappy no matter what.
FYI even though Donald won the election fair and square many more people voted for Hillary so not everyone in the country is unhappy