Salma Sitara
2 min readNov 12, 2016


Susan, certainly there are liberals who are bullies and who are misogynistic. and certainly the news does not give you an accurate picture.

I believe that there are two types of people who voted for Donald Trump.

First, there are people who are hurting and who are looking for change. They do not feel heard. They want a more equitable division of wealth and opportunity and certainly they do deserve to get more than they have.

I believe that a majority of liberals do want this to happen and they want to help but unfortunately the two camps do not understand each other and they fight when really they all want the same thing.

The other camp are rich people who want to get richer and screw everyone else. Trump is a rich man and he is not a man who has a great deal of empathy for others. Today he appointed a bunch of Wall Street insiders to top positions even though he spent his entire campaign railing against wall street.

If the foxes are guarding the hen house then how will change happen?

We are all frustrated by the same thing. Rich people are paying fewer and fewer taxes and getting richer and everyone else is getting stepped on

Terrorism is scary but building walls and keeping people out isn’t a long term strategy either.

We have hard problems and we need to learn to hear each other otherwise we will continue to get screwed by those who are savvy about manipulating us.

I will share two more of my writings with you.

and if you are curious about Muslims here is my first hand account



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