Suzan Bayar. Please Google his comments. He clearly bragged about forcing sex on women. From the transcript
“Other man: Whatever you want.
Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
He was saying that he is rich so he can do anything. His ex wife said he raped her but they settled out of court. He paid her off. Also, another woman had a court case against him for raping her violently and repeatedly at the age of 13 but she called it off because she received death threats.
I agree with you that people are innocent until proven guilty but rape is a special case. This is because our justice system is stacked against the victims. Read the book “Missoula” Or do other research and you will see that less than 5% of rapists go to jail. While a few women do make false claims of rape its actually very rare that this happens.
Why? because the legal process shames women and men almost never face consequences. This isn’t going to change if we do not vote women into high offices such as President. Men have all the power. Why would they change things so that there could be justice for rape victims?
Trump has encouraged Howard Stern to talk about his daughter in vulgar terms calling her “a piece of ass” and said he would date Ivanka if she was not his daughter.
I am an assault survivor and I have many friends who are survivors of sexual abuse and also incest. My therapist would classify Donald’s comments about Ivanka as incest. This is not the legal definition but therapists work according to behavior that causes damage. I have known many women who have serious issues from having dad’s who sexualized them
10% of men commit date rape. Think about that number. Its huge and its going to get bigger based on the example provided by our President elect.
The bigger question here is not about Trump. Its about you. Its the question my therapist would ask if you were in therapy. The question is, why are you defending so strongly a man who has exhibited nasty behavior towards women over and over again? Please be open and answer this for yourself. You don’t have to share with me.